

Polyamides have high strength and stiffnessexcellent impact strength and good abrasion and wear resistance .

Polyamides have relatively low glass temperature therefore often reinforced with various glass fibers.

GF (glass fiber polyamides) are thus given a Improvement in strength and the modulus of elasticity.
The Continuous service temperature approx. -30 °C (PA 11) and PA 12: approx. -70 °C to over +100 °C.
A maximum of 140 to 180 °C and above is also possible in the short term (PA 46: up to 280 °C).

PA or polyamide Voll rods are available in the following PA types:


often abbreviated as PA, is a family of thermoplastics known for their versatility and excellent mechanical properties.

Properties of PA:

  • High tensile strength and toughness:
    Polyamides have a high tensile strength and toughness, which makes them suitable for applications with high mechanical loads.

  • Good wear resistance:
    PA is known for its good wear resistance, which makes it particularly suitable for applications involving friction and abrasion.

  • Good chemical resistance:
    Polyamides are resistant to many chemicals, which makes them attractive for applications in aggressive environments.

  • Moisture absorption:
    PA has a tendency to absorb moisture, which can affect its mechanical properties. It is therefore important to take this into account when using the product.

  • High heat resistance:
    Some types of polyamides, such as PA 6/6.6, show good heat resistance and can be used in applications with elevated temperatures.

  • Electrical insulation:
    PA has good electrical insulation properties and is used in the electrical industry for the manufacture of housings, connectors and other components.

Types of polyamides:

  • PA 6 (polyamide 6): This is a polyamide produced by the polymerization of caprolactam. It is characterized by good toughness and wear resistance.

  • PA 6.6 (polyamide 6.6): This polyamide is produced by the condensation of adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine. It offers higher strength and heat resistance compared to PA 6.

  • Other types: There are various other polyamides, such as PA 11 and PA 12, which are characterized by specific chemical structures and properties.

Applications of PA:

Polyamides are widely used in various industries, including:

  • Automotive industry: gearbox housings, bearings, seals and other components.

  • Electronics: housings for electronic devices, connectors and insulators.

  • Textile industry: nylon fibers for textiles and ropes.

  • Mechanical engineering: gears, bearings, screws and other mechanical components.

The specific properties of polyamides vary depending on the type and manufacturing process, which is why the selection of the right polyamide depends on the requirements of the respective application.

PA Stäbe Platten
PA polyamide rods